
This Is What Being Young Should Feel Like


Queso, I have no idea how to embed my playlist using Grooveshark, but these are my little tunes for the month of April. I usually make a work out playlist every month, and this year has been prodominately alternative. (That last song was just for fun). It's a cool hipster playlist, hope you enjoy!

On another note, Happy spring break for those of you lucky ones like me! I want to grow up  to be like the kids in the The Naked And Famous song above. I think this break calls for some fun, pretty looking inspiration. So today I found some rad lookbooks from shopplanetblue.com , here they are:

So yeah, these photos are making me think that the regular instagram filters just arent cutting it anymore. If anyone has an idea of an app or photo enhancer with a galaxy effect, I would love to know! In the meantime, I'll look for one, and report back! More Polyvore's to come! 


Hawaiian Tourist

Hawaiin Tourist

Hawaiin Tourist by bailicakes featuring short sleeve t shirts

Today was Tacky Toursist spirit day at school.... And not that I'm not into school spirit, but this, tacked on to PJ day, and here it comes: Safety day, yup I said it, Safety day. I guess you wear helmuts? I don't know, but isn't that giving out the wrong idea to other schools? whatever. But I'm in a leadership class, so I'm obliged. And tourist day was not half bad, in fact, I actually had fun dressing up this morning. I asked my dad if he had a Tommy Bahama he'd like to lend me, he replied, "i have just the one." then he came back and said, " this is the ugliest one I could find, it has pineapples on it." and in turn, I said, "Perfect!" He also had a fishing hat that I forgot to bring to school, so sad! But I finished off the look with yellow Betsey Johnson tights, brown Timberlands, and a skinny belt, cinched at the waist. It was so fun! I might actually start liking spirit days (except for PJ day, I will never like PJ day)


Happy Lee Faricksons Day!

My mom and I had nothing to do for St. Patty's day the other day. So we went for a drive. We went to a furniture consignment shop just down the street for the first time ever, and I found this little jar, it's just darling, isn't it? I'll looks very Mckenzie-Childs-esque, but without the MC price, it was originally marked for $20 but the cute boy at the counter gave me $5 off, what a deal!
After that we drove up the hill a few miles and found the cutest little shop I have ever been in (and I'm not lying!) it's called Snowline Hospice Thrift Store and it's pretty much like a goodwill but better quality and cuter architecture (its pink!). And everything that isn't good enough to sell, but is donated anyway, goes to homeless people for free! It's fun supporting small businesses! I found two pairs of sunglasses, a gold wristwatch, a soup mug (that didn't have a price tag, so the lady said it would be a "gift with purchase" how sweet?), a little boys Hawaiian shirt (I'll just wear it as a crop top) and a desk chair ($5!). All costing me under $15 dollars. I will definitely be going back there next weekend. Here's a little collage of my gifts.    
It was $6.50
What a happy mug!
$1.00 each
Just gems I found:
I wanted that chair (sorry no picture. It's just a blue swivel chair.) and jar because I'm going to redecorate and paint my brothers old bedroom. Here's what I think I want to do:
Alice + Olivia Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear

Wouldn't that be sweet in a room! It's from the Alice + Olivia Fall 2011 Ready to Wear collection. I've been wanting this for-ever. I want an all white room, with a little color accents. I will keep badgering my mother until this will happen.

Talk to you later!



I'm just a riandrop in a river...

... Just an itty bitty grain of sand
So if anyone got that title, which I'm assuming no one did, it's lyrics from only the seriously best song made by the musical gods. It's called Take so Long by Trampled by Turtles. It's like electric violin (I know, totally bitchin', right?) + banjo (Mumford & Sons, anyone?) = the most beautiful sound my little ears have ever heard. Seriously though, whoever that violinist is deserves a grammy or whatever the highest musical award out there is. And yesI defenitely did instragram that picture at 1:17 in the morning (I'm such a rebel [not really {at all}]). Which brings me to... follow me on instragram! @bailicakes

So I'm really regretting not having enough time to post much lately, because  I sometimes have strokes of genius during the day, that I need to document, but can't because when I get home from swim practice or whatever, I have to do homework and eat, then sleep (I have to eat, you know) sorry! But swimming will be done in a few weeks (more like 2 months) but then all I have is time to post! And that brings me to the summer, which means I rarely do anything exciting because I don't really have a life, which means I often don't venture far from my house, which means I don't wear nice things, which means I can't post pictures of my cute outfits! I know, what a tragedy my life is.
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You know how I'm doing that "documenting things from my mind bubble" thing. Well, today I was thinking of that badass pizza shirt, and then I started thinking about stained glass windows, 'cause I like 'em. and how cool would it be if you had a shirt with a stained glass print, or better yet pants. That. Would. Be. Awesome!
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Like, woah. http://www.gossiprocks.com/forum/fashion/beth-dittos-plus-size-evans-clothing-collection-page2-106797.html

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But I couln't find pants! so nobody steal that idea, 'cause when I become famous one day, you can all have stained glass printed pants. Yay!

Those babies are too cool

Hey ery'body, I took a picture of my outfits of the week (sorry in advance for the ugly iPhone pics (I'm so cool, I had the iPhone before it became cool) I had no one else to take my picture) oh and my bathroom is like, totally atrocious.
Sweater: thrifted, Romper: some Nordstroms brand, Socks: my moms (generic), Shoes: DSW (I know, right?)

Cross: souveneir from Mexico, B: Macy's

Shirt: Marc Jacobs, Skirt: thrifted,  B Necklace: Macy's, Braid Bracelet: Lucky Brand Beaded Bracelet: Charming Charlies
Blouse: Free People, Bandeau: Free People, Pants: Mother, Kicks: Vans, Cross Necklace: souvenier, Watch: Seiko

these are pictures of my collage of things that I love (otherwise known as crap I am too much of a hoarder to throw away). And I'm gonna just throw this out there, I have no idea who Michal Negrin is, but I googled him and he is so cute look him up here! Those naked babies on his home page are awesome! His stores are so gawdy and therefore, awesome! And I'm also gonna throw out there that my grandma gave me that box, so power to the elderly! Just thought i would give you a little insight on my life through these pictures.